API Reference

Feature Profiling-Indonesia

API Method

Base URL


URLRequest MethodsContent-TypeOutput FormatCharacter Set


partner_codeStringPartner CodeRequiredassigned by TD
partner_keyStringPartner KeyRequiredassigned by TD


id_numberStringID numberRequiredID number,i.e. KTP
id_typeStringID typeRequiredID type enumeration value:
National ID card: national_id
countryStringCountryRequiredTwo-digit country code, compliant with ISO 3166 standard.
Supported countries: Indonesia (ID)
phone_numberStringPhone numberRequiredIndonesia only supports 10-13 pure numbers and + sign. Plain text only supports the following as the beginning: + 628, 628, 8, 08
app_nameStringApp nameStrongly recommendedThis field is strongly recommended for the selected packages exclude the following:
behavior_analysis_of_repayment; multiplatform_multi_V1_1;
multiplatform_V2_m2 ;
package_nameStringPackage nameRequiredEnumeration value:
Indonesia region:
multiplatform_phone: multiplatform(phone)
multiplatform_id: multiplatform(id)
device_risk_detection: device history risk detection
financial_assessment_level:economic capability assessment level
credit_rating_estimation: Credit Rating Prediction
behavior_analysis_of_repayment :behavior analysis of repayment
multiplatform_multi_V1_1:Multiplatform V1.1
multiplatform_V2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2
multiplatform_V2_m2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2.1
fraud_insight_graph_V1: fraud insight graph V1
fraud_insight_graph_V2: fraud insight graph V2

Only one can be filled .
device_idStringDevice IDConditionally requiredThis field is required if the equipment historical risk detection product is called and strongly recommended for fraud_insight_graph_V1 and fraud_insight_graph_V2
gaidStringGAIDConditionally requiredThis field is required if the multiplatform_V2, fraud_insight_graph_V1, multiplatform_V2_m2 and fraud_insight_graph_V2 products are selected
i.e. cc15aaf9-01cf-4900-9a45-6f5643b00e2f

Response Parameter

codeIntegerRequiredAPI status code
messageStringRequiredStatus informationIn the API exception state, the specific exception reason will be output.
sequence_idStringRequiredResponse unique codeUnique identifier used to track each request record
id_numberJSONObjectConditionally requiredID number dimensionReturned when select the following packages:
multiplatform_V2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2;
multiplatform_V2_m2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2.1
fraud_insight_graph_V2: fraud insight graph V2
phone_numberJSONObjectConditionally requiredPhone number dimensionReturned when select the following packages:
multiplatform_V2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2;
multiplatform_V2_m2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2.1
fraud_insight_graph_V2: fraud insight graph V2
gaidJSONObjectConditionally requiredGAID dimensionReturned when select the following packages:
multiplatform_V2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2;
multiplatform_V2_m2: multiplatfrom(phone number、id、GAID) V2.1
fraud_insight_graph_V2: fraud insight graph V2
indicator_nameStringRequiredIndicator name
indicator_valueString/intRequiredIndicator valueThe meaning of the special value of the indicator:
-1111: Unable to calculate
-999: No record in the library
-888: Internal Error, please contact our operation team
Remark: the type of parameter will be different according to different indicators
indicator_statusIntConditionally required exclude multiplatform_V2 and fraud_insight_graph_V1Indicator statusEnumeration value:
200: Success
201: No record in the library (no record of mobile phone number and ID number)
202: Indicator cannot be calculated
500: System error

API Interface Response Code

300Service not purchased or not effectiveService not purchased or not effective
301Service not purchasedService not purchased
302Service has been suspendService has been suspend
303Not enough balanceNot enought blance
304Service expiredService expired
9500Internal errorInternal error
9060{parameter} empty{parameter} empty
9061{parameter} error{parameter} error
9055The country partner located has no serviceThere is no service in your country/region
9081The format of the phone number does not match with the countryThe format of the phone number does not match with the country

Response Example


Response Example-multiplatform_V2

    "code": 200,
    "sequence_id": "53b63090c0374cad82********f8991e",
    "data": {
        "id_number": [
                "indicator_name": "indicator_name_1",
                "indicator_value": 1
                "indicator_name": "indicator_name_2",
                "indicator_value": 2
        "phone_number": [
                "indicator_name": "indicator_name_1",
                "indicator_value": 1
                "indicator_name": "indicator_name_2",
                "indicator_value": 4
        "gaid": [
                "indicator_name": "indicator_name_1",
                "indicator_value": 1
                "indicator_name": "indicator_name_2",
                "indicator_value": 8

Failed Example

    "code": 9061,
    "sequence_id": "80b57561b6fb********61ccba263b60",
    "message": "country error"