API Reference


Event Type: order_create

  • order[* Object Order]: Order Information
    • order_id[* String]: Order ID
    • order_create_time[* String]: Create Time of the Order, ISO 8601, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, example: 2021-10-12T14:20:50.521+07:00
    • merchandise_list[Array Merchandise]: Merchandise List
      • merchandise_id[* String]: Merchandise ID
      • category_1[* String]: The primary classification of Merchandise
      • category_2[String]: Secondary classification of Merchandise
      • category_3[String]: Three-level classification of Merchandise
      • name[String]: Merchandise Name
      • count[Integer]: Merchandise Count
      • unit_price[Object Amount]: Merchandise Unit Price
        • currency[* String]: Local Currency Type, 3-letter code according to ISO 4217
        • amount_local[* Double]: Amount ( Local Currency )
        • amount_usd[Double]: Amount ( USD ), The USD amount is converted from the original amount by the exchange rate, (required when not access to China Server)
        • amount_cny[Double]: Amount ( CNY ), The CNY amount is converted from the original amount by the exchange rate, (required when access to a China Server)
    • amount[* Object Amount]: Order Total Amount
      • currency[* String]: Local Currency Type, 3-letter code according to ISO 4217
      • amount_local[* Double]: Amount ( Local Currency )
      • amount_usd[Double]: Amount ( USD ), The USD amount is converted from the original amount by the exchange rate, (required when not access to China Server)
      • amount_cny[Double]: Amount ( CNY ), The CNY amount is converted from the original amount by the exchange rate, (required when access to a China Server)
    • shipping[Object Shipping]: Shipping Information
      • address[* Object Address]: Shipping Address
        • country[* String]: Country, 2-letter country code according to ISO 3166
        • region[* String]: Region
        • city[* String]: City
        • district[String]: District
        • detail[String]: Detailed Address
        • zip_code[String]: Zip Code
      • phone[Object Phone]: Shipping Phone Number
        • country_code[* Integer]: Country Code, Compliant with ITU E.164 standard, without '+ sign', without prefix 0, example: 86
        • phone_number[* String]: Phone Number, without '+ sign'
      • email[String]: Shipping Email
      • consignee[* Object Name]: Consignee
        • first_name[String]: First Name
        • middle_name[String]: Middle Name
        • last_name[String]: Last Name
        • nickname[String]: Nickname
      • method[String]: Shipping Method, enumeration
        • logistics
        • store_pickup
  • merchant[Object Merchant]: Merchant Information
    • merchant_id[* String]: Merchant Account ID
    • register_time[* String]: Merchant Registration Time, ISO 8601, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, example: 2021-10-12T14:20:50.521+07:00
    • login_time[String]: Last Login Time of Merchant, ISO 8601, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, example: 2021-10-12T14:20:50.521+07:00
    • shop_name[String]: Shop Name
    • shop_phone[Object Phone]: Shop Phone
      • country_code[* Integer]: Country Code, Compliant with ITU E.164 standard, without '+ sign', without prefix 0, example: 86
      • phone_number[* String]: Phone Number, without '+ sign'
    • shop_email[String]: Shop Email
    • shop_address[Object Address]: Shop Address
      • country[* String]: Country, 2-letter country code according to ISO 3166
      • region[* String]: Region
      • city[* String]: City
      • district[String]: District
      • detail[String]: Detailed Address
      • zip_code[String]: Zip Code
    • shop_url[String]: Shop URL
    • merchant_type[String]: Merchant Type, enumeration
      • person
      • entity
    • merchant_level[String]: Merchant Level
    • company[String]: Merchant Company
    • primary_category[String]: Merchant's Primary Category
    • product_count[Integer]: Merchant's Products Count
    • history_order_count[Integer]: Merchant's History Order Count
    • history_order_amount[Object Amount]: Merchant's History Order Amount
      • currency[* String]: Local Currency Type, 3-letter code according to ISO 4217
      • amount_local[* Double]: Amount ( Local Currency )
      • amount_usd[Double]: Amount ( USD ), The USD amount is converted from the original amount by the exchange rate, (required when not access to China Server)
      • amount_cny[Double]: Amount ( CNY ), The CNY amount is converted from the original amount by the exchange rate, (required when access to a China Server)
    "order": {
        "order_id": "NX348566DIHD",
        "order_create_time": "2021-10-12T14:25:50.521+07:00",
        "merchandise_list": [
                "merchandise_id": "NFH837824432",
                "category_1": "3c",
                "category_2": "phone",
                "category_3": "android",
                "name": "huawei phone",
                "count": 1,
                "unit_price": {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "amount_local": 1000,
                    "amount_usd": 1000,
                    "amount_cny": 6800
        "amount": {
            "currency": "USD",
            "amount_local": 1000,
            "amount_usd": 1000,
            "amount_cny": 6800
        "shipping": {
            "address": {
                "country": "FR",
                "region": "Grand Est",
                "city": "Strasbourg City",
                "district": "Ketali Lorem",
                "detail": "3213 Building,lorem Street",
                "zip_code": "310000"
            "phone": {
                "country_code": 1,
                "phone_number": "18700001112"
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "consignee": {
                "first_name": "Pierre",
                "middle_name": "",
                "last_name": "Laurent",
                "nickname": "Snochy"
            "method": "logistics"
    "merchant": {
        "merchant_id": "NFK00937",
        "shop_name": "Hello World",
        "shop_phone": {
            "country_code": 1,
            "phone_number": "18700001112"
        "shop_email": "[email protected]",
        "shop_address": {
            "country": "FR",
            "region": "Grand Est",
            "city": "Strasbourg City",
            "district": "Ketali Lorem",
            "detail": "3213 Building,lorem Street",
            "zip_code": "310000"
        "shop_url": "https://td/shop/0012",
        "register_time": "2021-10-12T14:20:50.521+07:00",
        "login_time": "2021-10-12T14:22:50.521+07:00",
        "merchant_type": "entity",
        "merchant_level": "A",
        "company": "XXX",
        "primary_category": "XXXX",
        "product_count": 1,
        "history_order_count": 1,
        "history_order_amount": {
            "currency": "USD",
            "amount_local": 68,
            "amount_usd": 10,
            "amount_cny": 68