API Reference


Identity Extension Information

data type: IdentityExt

face_image_typeStringFace image typeRecommendedEnumeration values:
1.url: URL of the photo, which must be accessible from the external network
2.base64: base64 value of the photo
face_imageArrayFace imageRecommendedFace image information. If face_image_type="url", it is the specific url path; if face_image_type="base64", it is the base64 encoded value of the image. Can be 1-8 images.The image cannot exceed 2M
face_video_typeStringTypes of face videosRecommendedEnumeration values:
1.url: URL of the video, which must be accessible from the external network
2.base64: base64 value of video
face_videoStringFace videoRecommendedFace video information, if face_video_type="url" is the specific url path; if face_video_type="base64" is the base64 encoding value of the video
id_image_typeStringType of image in the portrait page of the ID documentRecommendedEnumeration values:
1.url: URL of the image, which must be accessible from the external network
2.base64: base64 value of the image
id_imageStringImage of the portrait page of the ID documentRecommendedID image information, if id_image_type="url" it is the specific url path; if id_image_type="base64" it is the base64 encoded value of the image.The image cannot exceed 2M