API Reference

Loan Event

Event type: Loan

  • profile[Object [Profile](personal information)]: personal information
    • name[String]: name
    • phone [Object Phone]: mobile phone/phone
      • country_code[Integer]: Country area code, conforms to the International Telecommunication Union E.164 standard, does not include the + sign and the prefix 0, such as 86
      • phone_number[String]: mobile phone number / phone number, excluding + sign and prefix
    • id [Object ID]: Identity information
      • id_country[String]: Country, two-digit country code, conforming to ISO 3166 standard, such as CN
      • id_type[String]: ID type
        • identity_card: ID card
        • passport: passport
        • driving_licence driving license
        • birth_certificate: birth certificate
        • others:others
      • id_number[String]: ID number
      • valid_date[String]: Certificate validity period, format: YYYY-MM-DD, for example 1998-01-01
    • email[String]: Email
    • sex[String]: gender, enumeration value
      • male: male
      • female: female
    • birthdate[String]: date of birth, format: YYYY-MM-DD, for example 1998-01-01
    • birthplace[Object Address]: birthplace
      • country[* String]: country, two-digit country code, compliant with ISO 3166 standard
      • region[* String]:province/state/region
      • city[* String]: city
      • district[String]: District and county
      • detail[String]: Detailed address
      • zip_code[String]: zip code
    • address[Object Address]: personal address (location)
      • country[* String]: country, two-digit country code, compliant with ISO 3166 standard
      • region[* String]:province/state/region
      • city[* String]: city
      • district[String]: District and county
      • detail[String]: Detailed address
      • zip_code[String]: zip code
    • marital_status[String]: Marital status
      • single: single
      • married: married
      • separated:separated
      • divorced: divorced
      • widowed: widowed
      • cohabited: living together
      • customary: customary marriage, such as polygamy" (polygamy)
    • education[String]: academic qualifications, enumeration value
      • doctorate: doctor
      • master: master's degree
      • bachelor: undergraduate
      • junior_college: junior college
      • high_school: high school
      • middle_school: junior high school
      • below_middle_school: below junior high school
    • company_name[String]: working unit
    • company_phone[String]: Work unit phone number
    • company_address[String] : Work unit address
    • profession[String]: Profession
    • nationality[String]: nationality, two-digit country code, in compliance with ISO 3166 standard, such as CN
  • contact[Object Contact]: Contact information, multiple contact information can be transferred
    • name[String]: contact name
    • phone[Object Phone]: Contact phone number
      • country_code[Integer]: Country area code, conforms to the International Telecommunication Union E.164 standard, does not include the + sign and the prefix 0, such as 86
      • phone_number[String]: mobile phone number / phone number, excluding + sign and prefix
    • relationship[String]: contact’s social relationship
      • parent parent
      • spouse spouse
      • child children
        -sibling (relative) brothers and sisters
      • cousin (cousin/cousin) brothers and sisters
      • other_relative other relatives
      • friend friend
      • classmate classmates
      • coworker colleague
      • other_cases other cases
  • card[Object Card]: bank card information
    • bank_name[String]: name of the account opening bank
  • identity_ext[Object IdentityExt]: Identity extension information, transmits identity authentication information such as portrait photos, videos, etc.
    • face_image_type[String]: Portrait photo type
      • url: URL of the photo, which must be accessible from the external network
      • base64: base64 value of the photo
    • face_image[Array]: portrait photo, photo information, if face_image_type="url" it is the specific url path; if face_image_type="base64" it is the base64 encoded value of the photo. Can be 1-8 sheets.
    • face_video_type[String]: Living video type
      • url: URL of the video, which must be accessible from the external network
      • base64: base64 value of the video
    • face_video[String]: Live video, video information, if face_video_type="url" it is the specific url path; if face_video_type="base64" it is the base64 encoding value of the video
    • id_image_type[String]: ID document portrait page photo type
      • url: URL of the image, which must be accessible from the external network
      • base64: base64 value of the image
    • id_image[String]: ID card portrait page photo, image information, if id_image_type="url" it is the specific url path; if id_image_type="base64" it is the base64 encoded value of the image