API Reference

ID Verification -Philippines

This product is mainly used for SSS, UMID, TIN, PRC and DL card verification in the Philippines. It is an asynchronous interface, so this document contains two parts: the POST call API and the GET call API.

POST call

API Method

Base URL


URLRequest MethodsContent-TypeOutput FormatCharacter Set
partner_codeStringPartner CodeRequiredAssigned by TD
partner_keyStringPartner KeyRequiredAssigned by TD


id_numberStringID typeRequiredID number
id_typeStringID numberRequiredEnumeration: SSS, UMID, TIN, PRC, DL
phone_numberStringPhone numberStrongly recommendedPhone number, 11 digits, start with 0
first_nameStringFirst name on ID cardConditionally requiredRequired When the ID type is filled in PRC and prc_verification_mode=verify_using_name
last_nameStringLast name on ID cardConditionally requiredRequired When the ID type is filled in PRC and prc_verification_mode=verify_using_name
countryStringCountryRequired2-letter country code according to ISO 3166
Support: PH(Philippines)
expiry_dateStringExpiration date on the cardConditionally requiredyyyy-MM-dd
Required when ID type is filled in DL
serial_numberStringSerial number on the cardConditionally requiredRequired when ID type is filled in DL
prc_verification_modeStringPRC Mode - Name based or Number basedConditionally requiredRequired when the ID type is filled in PRC.
verify_using_name / verify_using_license
professionStringProfession on ID cardConditionally requiredRequired when the ID type is filled in PRC.
birth_dateStringDate of BirthConditionally requiredyyyy-MM-dd
Required when the ID type is filled in PRC and prc_verification_mode=verify_using_license

Request Example

          "country":  "PH",
          "phone_number":  "0217656789",
          "id_type":  "TIN",
          "id_number":  "380486089000",
          "name":  "Joe"

Response Parameter

codeIntegerAPI status codeRequired
messageStringStatus InformationRequiredReturns ‘success’ when the API call is successful;Specific abnormal reasons will be provided when the API is abnormal
sequence_idStringUnique response codeRequiredA unique ID used to track each request
task_idStringTask IDRequiredUsed to query results

Response Example

          "code":  200,
          "message":  "success",
          "sequence_id":  "1648777165770866F82AC7F326307055",
          "task_id": "74f4c926-250c-43ca-9c53-453e87ceacd1"

API Status Code

Code MessageDescriptionCharged
301Service not purchasedService not purchasedNO
302Service has been suspendTraffic blockedNO
303Not enough balanceTraffic insufficientNO
304Service expiredService expiredNO
305Daily maximum volume reachedDaily maximum volume reachedNO
600Service Temporarily UnavailableService reached limitNO
11350Internal errorInternal errorNO
11301{parameter} empty{parameter} emptyNO
11304The country partner located is not openThe country partner located is not openNO
11340{parameter} error{parameter} errorNO

GET call

API Method

Base URL


URLRequest MethodsContent-TypeOutput FormatCharacter Set
partner_codeStringPartner CodeRequiredAssigned by TD
partner_keyStringPartner KeyRequiredAssigned by TD


task_idStringRequiredThe task_id returned by the first call

Response Parameter

codeIntegerAPI status codeRequired
messageStringStatus InformationRequiredSpecific abnormal reasons will be provided when the API is abnormal
sequence_idStringUnique response codeRequiredA unique ID used to track each request
task_idStringTask IDRequiredUsed to query results
resultObjectVerification resultRequired
statusStringVerification statusRequiredEnumeration values:id_found;id_not_found
status_messageStringVerification messageConditionally requiredOnly appears in the response of the type DL, PRC
is_validBooleanWhetherConditionally requiredOnly returns when ID type is UMID, SSS and PRC(verify_using_name)
prc_registration_dateStringRegistration Date of PRCConditionally requiredOnly returns when the ID type is filled in PRC and prc_verification_mode=verify_using_license
prc_expiration_dateStringExpiration Date of PRCConditionally requiredOnly returns when the ID type is filled in PRC and prc_verification_mode=verify_using_license

Response Example(SSS/UMID)

          "code":  200,
          "message":  "success",
          "sequence_id":  "1648********0866F82AC7F326307055",
          "task_id": "74f4c926-250c-43ca-9c53-45******acd1",
          "result":  {
                    "is_valid":  true,
                    "status":  "id_found"

Response Example(TIN)

          "code":  200,
          "message":  "success",
          "sequence_id":  "1648********0866F82AC7F326307055",
          "task_id": "74f4c926-250c-43ca-9c53-45******acd1",
          "result":  {
                    "status":  "id_found"

Response Example(DL)

	"result": {
		"status_message": "The Professional Driver's License you have entered is a valid license.",
		"status": "id_found"
	"code": 200,
	"sequence_id": "1724********6364G13401C079160432",
	"task_id": "733b9225-807d-4dc1-b862-d7******cf70",
	"message": "success"

Response Example(PRC: verify_using_name)

	"result": {
		"status_message": "Name not matched with ID",
		"is_valid": true,
		"status": "id_found"
	"code": 200,
	"sequence_id": "1724********6427G13B41A1F7067250",
	"task_id": "df3772a8-a853-4aa5-b754-cb******8108",
	"message": "success"

Response Example(PRC: verify_using_license)

	"result": {
		"status_message": "Name not matched with ID",
		"prc_expiration_date": "2026-01-05",
		"prc_registration_date": "2011-02-16",
		"status": "id_found"
	"code": 200,
	"sequence_id": "1724********7003G13401C078201623",
	"task_id": "12ec65c8-ac93-4ffd-9266-63******0410",
	"message": "success"

API Status Code

Code MessageDescription
11340{parameter} error{parameter} error
12001Query in processQuerying results
12002Process errorProcess error
12003Process timoutProcess timout