API Reference


This product is applicable for social network/media registration and information detection.

API Method

Base URL


URLRequest MethodsContent-TypeOutput FormatCharacter Set
partner_codeStringPartner CodeRequiredAssigned by TD
partner_keyStringPartner KeyRequiredAssigned by TD


id_numberStringID numberStrongly recommendedID number
id_typeStringID typeStrongly recommendedEnumeration value:

1. identity_card: ID card
2. passport: passport
3. driving_licence: driving license
4. birth_certificate: birth certificate
5. voter_card: Voter card
6. tax_card: tax card
7. social_security_card: social security card
8. others: others
phone_numberStringPhone numberStrongly recommendedThe maximum length is 19 digits, with country code, for example: 36301234567. If filled in, it must match with the country.
nameStringNameStrongly recommended
countryStringCountryRequired2-letter country code according to ISO 3166
Pakistan site only supports PK, Indonesia site only supports ID
emailStringEmailRequiredEmail address, i.e.[email protected]

Request Example

    "email":"[email protected]"

Response Parameter

codeIntegerAPI status codeRequired
messageStringStatus InformationRequiredApecific abnormal reasons will be provided when the API is abnormal
sequence_idStringUnique response codeRequiredA unique ID used to track each request
email_detectionObjectDetection resultRequired
basic_infoObjectBasic InformationRequired
domain_infoObjectDomain InformationRequired
account_infoObjectAccount InformationRequired
breach_infoObjectBreach InformationRequired
history_infoObjectHistory InformationRequired
  • basic_info data dictionary
email_addressStringEmail AddressRequired
scoreStringThe possibility of fraud with this email, the higher the score, the higher the riskRequiredRange: 0-999
existenceBooleanWhether the mail actually existsRequired
created_timeStringCreated timeRequired
updated_timeStringUpdated timeRequired
expires_timeStringExpired timeRequired
registered_toStringThe name of the company registered by this mailRequired
  • domain_info data dictionary
dmarc_enforcedBooleanIs it mandatory DMARCRequired
spf_strictBooleanThis field shows whether SPF strict is enough to prevent spoofingRequired
valid_mxBooleanThis field shows whether the domain's MX record is valid or notRequired
accept_allBooleanWhether the server is set up to accept all email from this domain.Required
tld_suspiciousBooleanWhether top-level domains may be fraudulent and risky.Required
website_existsBooleanWhether the domain of the email has a websiteRequired
  • account_info data dictionary
total_registeredIntTotal number of registrationsRequired
registration_detailArrayRegistration detailRequired
  • registration_detail data dictionary
account_typeStringThe detected social networking sitesRequiredThe detected social networking sites are as follows:facebook, google, apple, twitter, microsoft, yahoo, ebay, gravatar, instagram, spotify, tumblr, linkedin, weibo, github, vimeo, flickr, foursquare, lastfm, myspace, pinterest, skype, discord, ok, kakao, booking, airbnb, amazon, qzone , Adobe, mailru, wordpress, imgur, disneyplus, netflix, jdid, flipkart, bukalapak, archiveorg, lazada, zoho, samsung, evernote, envato, patreon, tokopedia, rambler, quora, atlassian
registeredBoolean/Intwhether registeredRequired
account_nameString/IntAccount nameConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: facebook, linkedin, skype, gravatar
account_usernameString/IntUsernameConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Flickr, gravatar, github
profile_photoString/IntPhotoConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: facebook, google, linkedin, skype, foursquare, github, flickr; imgae only appears on:airbnb
profile_urlString/IntUrlConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: facebook, linkedin, gravatar, foursquare,github
profile_companyString/IntCompanyConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: linkedin, github
profile_titleString/IntCompany positionsConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: linkedin
profile_bioString/IntBio informationConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: foursquare, skype, github
profile_websiteString/IntWebsiteConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:LinkedIn
profile_handleString/IntHandleConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Skype
account_locationString/IntThe location of the accountConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:linkedin, aribnb, gravatar, flickr, github
account_countryString/IntThe country of the accountConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:skype
account_cityString/IntThe city where the account is locatedConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: skype, ok
account_stateString/IntThe state where the account is locatedConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:skype
account_languageString/IntThe language the account usedConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: skype
account_twitterString/IntTwitter connected withConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:LinkedIn, github
profile_genderString/IntGenderConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: skype,1: Male;2: Female
profile_ageString/IntAgeConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: skype, ok
profile_idString/IntProfile IDConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: Skype
account_joined_dateString/IntAccount join timeConditionally RequiredOnly appears on: ok
connection_countString/IntVerification state based on the profile settings.Conditionally RequiredOnly appears on:linkedin
reviewee_countString/IntCount of reviewees on the profile.Conditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Airbnb
tripsString/IntCount of trips on the profile.Conditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Airbnb
profile_firstnameString/IntFirst nameConditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Airbnb
profile_workString/IntWorkplace name based on the profile settings.Conditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Airbnb
profile_identity_verifiedString/IntVerification state based on the profile settings.Conditionally RequiredOnly appears on:Airbnb
  • breach_info data dictionary
breach_detailObjectBreach DetailRequired
breach_platformStringEmail leaked platformOptionalOnly returned while the email has breach info.
breach_domainStringEmail leaked domainsOptionalOnly returned while the email has breach info.
breach_dateStringDate the email was leakedOptionalOnly returned while the email has breach info.
pwned_listBooleanWhether email addresses were compromised in a data breach.Required
breach_numberIntNumber of leaksRequired
breach_first_timeStringFirst time of leakRequired
  • history_info data dictionary
hits_timeIntThe number of times this email has been queried in our companyRequired
customer_hits_timeIntQuery the number of customers of this email (remove duplicates)Required
first_seenIntThe first time any client looks up this email in UNIX time format and UTC time zone, without milliseconds.Required
last_seenIntThe last time any client looked up this email in UNIX time format and UTC timezone, without milliseconds.Required

API Status Code

Code MessageDescriptionCharged
300Service not purchased or not effectiveService not purchased or not effectiveNO
301Service not purchasedService not purchasedNO
302Traffic blockedTraffic blockedNO
303Traffic insufficientTraffic insufficientNO
304Service expiredService expiredNO
305Daily maximum volume reachedDaily maximum volume reachedNO
600Service Temporarily UnavailableService reached limitNO
11350Internal errorInternal errorNO
11301{parameter} empty{parameter} emptyNO
11304The country partner located is not openThe country partner located is not openNO
11340{parameter} error{parameter} errorNO

Response Example-Success

    "code": 200,
    "email_detection": {
        "basic_info": {
            "created_time": "1995-08-13 04:00:00",
            "updated_time": "2023-07-11 10:10:13",
            "email_address": "[email protected]",
            "existence": true,
            "registered_to": "Google LLC",
            "expires_time": "2024-08-12 04:00:00",
            "score": "150.0"          
        "breach_info": {
            "breach_detail": [
                    "breach_date": "2020-04-17",
                    "breach_domain": "tokopedia.com",
                    "breach_platform": "Tokopedia"
            "breach_number": 1,
            "pwned_list": true,
            "breach_first_time": "2020-04-17"
        "account_info": {
            "total_registered": 11,
            "registration_detail": [
                    "account_type": "booking",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "lazada",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "lastfm",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "wordpress",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "instagram",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "tokopedia",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "microsoft",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "airbnb",
                    "account_location": -999,
                    "profile_work": -999,
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "reviewee_count": -999,
                    "trips": -999,
                    "registered": -999,
                    "profile_identity_verified": -999,
                    "profile_firstname": -999
                    "account_type": "envato",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "twitter",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "yahoo",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "github",
                    "account_location": -999,
                    "account_twitter": -999,
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "profile_url": -999,
                    "account_username": -999,
                    "registered": false,
                    "profile_website": -999,
                    "profile_bio": -999,
                    "profile_company": -999
                    "account_type": "archiveorg",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "atlassian",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "google",
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "registered": -999
                    "account_type": "patreon",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "rambler",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "amazon",
                    "registered": -999
                    "account_type": "mailru",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "discord",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "ebay",
                    "registered": -999
                    "account_type": "bukalapak",
                    "registered": -999
                    "account_type": "zoho",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "foursquare",
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "profile_url": -999,
                    "registered": -999,
                    "profile_bio": -999
                    "account_type": "tumblr",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "linkedin",
                    "account_location": -999,
                    "account_twitter": -999,
                    "profile_title": -999,
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "profile_url": -999,
                    "connection_count": -999,
                    "account_name": -999,
                    "registered": -999,
                    "profile_website": -999,
                    "profile_company": -999
                    "account_type": "netflix",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "myspace",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "apple",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "skype",
                    "account_language": -999,
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "profile_gender": -999,
                    "registered": false,
                    "profile_bio": -999,
                    "profile_handle": -999,
                    "profile_age": -999,
                    "profile_id": -999,
                    "account_name": -999,
                    "account_city": -999,
                    "account_country": -999,
                    "account_state": -999
                    "account_type": "kakao",
                    "registered": -999
                    "account_type": "samsung",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "weibo",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "quora",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "gravatar",
                    "account_location": -999,
                    "profile_url": -999,
                    "account_name": -999,
                    "account_username": -999,
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "evernote",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "imgur",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "ok",
                    "profile_age": -999,
                    "registered": false,
                    "account_city": -999,
                    "account_joined_date": -999
                    "account_type": "disneyplus",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "jdid",
                    "registered": -999
                    "account_type": "facebook",
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "profile_url": -999,
                    "account_name": -999,
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "spotify",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "flipkart",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "adobe",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "pinterest",
                    "registered": true
                    "account_type": "qzone",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "vimeo",
                    "registered": false
                    "account_type": "flickr",
                    "account_location": -999,
                    "profile_photo": -999,
                    "account_username": -999,
                    "registered": false
        "domain_info": {
            "tld_suspicious": false,
            "spf_strict": true,
            "website_exists": true,
            "valid_mx": true,
            "accept_all": false,
            "dmarc_enforced": true
        "history_info": {
            "first_seen": 1681768896,
            "last_seen": 1705384608,
            "hits_time": 18,
            "customer_hits_time": 3
    "sequence_id": "1705384917350000XA84A005A753****",
    "message": "success"

Response Example-Failed

    "code": 11340,
    "sequence_id": "1720072040470369I30BC3538833****",
    "message": "Country error"